The outer shell may look silky smooth flawless. But who knows, the inside porous. This uncertainty facing the aircraft industry until 40 years ago. Users and manufacturers alike do not know exactly, the extent to which body aircraft still operate reliably. Consequently it can be fatal. In the early 1960s, the accident aircraft still often occurs because of damage to construction that is not detected. Tiredness (fatigue) on the body is still difficult to detect with the limited tools. There is not a laser scanner with a sensor-supported computer data processing unit, to address this sensitive issue.
Fatigue critical points are usually on the connection between the wing and fuselage or the wings and engine cradle. This element is having a nervous loud and constantly, either when his takeoff and landing. When taking off, the joints receiving the air pressure (uplift) is large. When it touched down, this section also bear the violent crushing of the fuselage. Metal fatigue occurs, and that was the beginning of the cracks (crack).
Point vines, sometimes ranging in size from 0.005 millimeter continue to propagate. Becoming increasingly elongated and branched. If not detected, the stakes are expensive, because the wing can suddenly broken when the plane took off. Aviation course very concerned, especially when the same machines began to change from propeller planes to jets. The greater the potential fatigue.
That's when a young boy genius who appears to try to offer solutions. He was only 32 years. Posture small but very energetic demeanor. He is Dr. Ing. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, a man born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936.
Habibie, who later discover how it works crack propagation point. The calculations are quite detailed, until the count of atoms. By the aviation world, the theory of Habibie was then called the crack progression. From here dubbed as Mr. Habibie. Crack. Of course, this theory makes the aircraft safer. Not only can avoid the risk of plane crashes, but also makes maintenance easier and cheaper.
Before the point of crack can be detected early, the engineers appear to anticipate the possibility of a rift construction by raising safety factor (SF). How, to increase the strength of construction materials far above the theoretical requirement. As a result, heavier materials needed. For aircraft, combined with steel aluminum material. But after the point of crack can be calculated then the degree of SF can be lowered. For example, by selecting a mixture of materials wings and a lighter airframe. The portion of reduced steel, aluminum increasingly dominant in the body of the aircraft. In the world of aviation, this breakthrough is famous as the factor Habibie.
Habibie factors could relieve the operating empty weight (without heavy passenger aircraft weight and fuel) to 10% from the previous weight. Even this figure could drop to 25% after Habibie composite materials slipped into the fuselage. However, this weight reduction could not make the maximum take off weight of his (the total weight of passengers and aircraft plus fuel) come degenerate. That way, in general haulage and power increased aircraft cruising farther. So economically, aircraft performance can be improved.
Habibie factor was also instrumental in the development of merging technology airframe parts per part. So that the cylindrical fuselage connection with the oval side wings capable of withstanding air pressure during takeoff body. So also in connection with the landing gear fuselage is much more robust, so able to withstand the load when the plane landed. Factors that jet engine to add the potential for fatigue to be down.
Habibie scientific history began when he received a scholarship from the government to study at the Technische Hochschule Facultaet Die Fue Maschinenwesen, Aachen, Germany, in 1956. For a year earlier, Habibie was listed as a student of ITB. After pocketing his diploma majoring in aircraft construction Ingenieur, 1960, while continuing his studies, he became assistant Sciences Research Institute of Light Construction on campus.
Brain Habibie seems more watery when Ingenieur his doctor's degree with honors disabet suma cum laude in 1965. The average value of his courses 10. Presatsi is believed to be made head of the Department of Research and Development of Structure Analysis on the Hamburger Flugzeugbau (HFB). Its main task is to solve the problem of stability of the construction of the back of the Fokker 28 aircraft. Fabulous, just within a period of six months, the problem was solved by Habibie.
He earned the trust more prestigious, which is designing a whole new plane. One of the fruits of his work is the prototype of DO-31, propeller aircraft capable of fixed first takeoff and land vertically, which was developed with industry Donier HFB. The design was then purchased by Aviation and Space Agency (NASA).
Habibie only until the year 1969 alone in the HFB, as glimpsed by the Messerschmitt Boelkow Blohm GmbH (MBB), the industry's biggest aircraft, based in Hamburg. In this new place, Habibie's career skyrocketed. Position Vice President / Director of Technology MBB disabetnya 1974. Only Habibie, people outside the German nationality who is able to occupy the second highest position.
In this place also Habibie to formulate the original in the field of thermodynamics, lightweight construction, aerodynamic and crack progression. In aeronautical literature, the findings of Habibie was then known as the Theory of Habibie, Habibie Factors and Methods Habibie. Patents from all the findings it has been recognized and used by international aviation.
Airbus A-300 produced by a European consortium (European Aeronautic Defence and Space) could not be separated from contact with Habibie. It's known in this consortium joined Daimler, Mercedes-Benz manufacturer, which acquired the MBB. So that Habibie is entitled to royalties from the technologies used in wide-bodied aircraft that. Apart from Airbus, Habibie also received royalties from rocket manufacturers in many countries, which use a lot of light construction technology.
In 1978, Habibie called back to the country by President Soeharto and has since then actively in the efforts of aerospace technology development in Indonesia, among other results are made in Indonesia's first aircraft CN-235 and N-250.
Habibie scientific achievements gained recognition in the international world. He became an honorary member of various institutions in the field of aerospace. Among others in Gesselschaft fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (Institute of Aviation and Aerospace) of Germany, The Royal Aeronautical Society, London (England), The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Sweden), the Academie Nationale de l'Air et de l'Espace ( France) and The U.S. Academy of Engineering (United States). Meanwhile, in the form of awards, Habibie received von Karman Award (1992) are in the field of aerospace arguably prestige is almost equivalent to the Nobel Prize. And two years later received a prestigious award that is not less, namely Edward Warner Award. (Hidayat Gunadi, Hatim Ilwan)
Sources: Magazine Gatra Ed. Special, August 2004.
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